I stopped playing it because I was more active on Team Fortress 2 and had to abandon CS:S. I started playing Counter Strike Source in 2013, until 2017. My name is Icey Cake and I'm 15 years old (about to be 16 on September 18) Thanks for attention, Life is a trash dont forget to delete my post, thanks!

Make Forze main LSA and u will see the great nide again! This is eternal problem that we always dont have any admin online while playing good maps. Most of them barely play and play only sh*t maps they dont even understand anything. Killik thanks for carring server u r best manager of all time but take care of your LSA trashers pls. In conclusion I have to say this is not smart that u promote people who do nothing and lose good admins who really doing good work. Where r u all? U gyus not even playing on server, only sucking each others dicks in discord as always. Only WB from my point of view doing good sh*t nowadays and he also active. Most admins not able to take decisions at all, not ready to take responsibility.

This includes: transfering items and punishing people who do sh*t, especially on purpose, lets not talk about new players who play on server 3 days. The main mission of good admin to provide good gameplay, do everything for that according to the rules ofc, this is very simple. So what do u want from good admin? Explain mb? This is that admin have to do at first place, ban and mute sh*tters which dont let people enjoy game, this is the only way to prove that u r active admin. Who is Forze? Every1 know him, he play this game since this server was created, he have much more experience then all of u LSA trashers together, no jk. Just a new guy who play this game 3 days i dont mind him mb he will be good admin (10% chance max).Īt the same time Forze did 15 bans and 30 mutes and he wasnt promoted. The guy Rognus since he got admin did 4 bans and totally no impact on the game and he got promoted. Seems retarded people like life is a trash doing this sh*t according to thier own feelings.įor example. Let us know how u cancers take decisions on promoting trials? I cant get it. Hello cancer LSA team, especially Life is a trash!

For all those with constructive information and ideas that wish to improve the server, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the Lead Admins via discord to communicate your suggestions. If you are upset with this, you can apply for admin yourself. The decisions we have made currently stand and we hold the right to see potential in the server that we manage. We honestly appreciate your time to post this thread and how you support our overarching management with Killik, but it seems contradictory that you then question the ability that he placed upon our Lead Admin Team. Due to the uncontrolled tempers and impulsive decisions we feel that it is in our best interests to act against this, to support the larger aspect of our community. It is the duty of an admin to act in the general good of the players, and to act as nothing more reasonable man would. The main goal of an admin is to provide good gameplay, we concede this fact however, kindly point out that this point is somewhat mute when considering the perspectives of all the users of nide. For all those reading this and those who responded above, there is an obvious reason why there is a divide between players and trolls and that is because we are tasked with dealing with the larger immature base of nide. What I expect from a good admin, is someone who doesn't explode the moment we provide criticism and expectations to do better. Similarly with his past actions, and little to none communication, we felt that he wasn't a solid fit for our team in it's current state. Conversely, F0rzre is a controversial character, everyone knows him because of his past actions.
To address your concerns in regarding to the recent trial admins that were promoted, we have seen their involvement within our team base and eagerness to learn and improve, this desire to learn and grow as individuals was something you yourself lacked when you were an admin. I implore you to understand that the continual negligence of common etiquette proves this and reenfoirces your limited knowledge of how this "cancer" lsa team operates. If you don't agree with us, I believe we have a new nide chill server, or you can join unloze and post your limited ramblings there but I digress.įirstly, you appeal to our better sense of judgement by providing us zero respect, however expect us to understand and unpack your constructive criticism and provide you with a revolutionised solution. Please be advised that the admin team makes decisions aimed to benefit the future of nide.